Why do so many of us find companionship and solace with our pets? Do you gather strength from their unconditional love or find comfort in being able to nurture and care for an animal? Do you see yourself as a fur-mum or hate the phrase? How do you feel when someone else tries to discredit the value of your pet or imply that somehow we don’t understand the difference between a child and an animal?

What do your furry, feathered and scaly friends mean to you? 

Today we’ll discuss the role pets play in healing the grief of childlessness (or not), and also how to cope with the death of a furbaby/featherbaby or scalybaby on top of the grief of childlessness.

Watch the replay HERE

A discussion on rescue pets and the rescuing effect they have had on us in our grief. They are a living being that relies on us, that we are able to fulfil some of our nurturing needs on, make us laugh and make the world a better place to be. They are something to come home to when you live your own, something that is happy to see you.

Watch the replay HERE

From World Childless Week 2022

We know how important pets can be, yet many people without children also feel shame or judgment by others for the significance that animals can play in their lives. In this webinar we want to bust some of the negative stereotypes and shine a light on how and why our pets contribute to our wellbeing and create richness in our lives. These relationships can be precious, and in our care they are often the happiest pets in the world!

Watch the replay HERE