I love being a cat mom

Michelle Simcox

I’m childless not by choice, I have premature ovarian syndrome and was diagnosed at 26. I always wanted a family, but never thought my daughter would be a kitty (Aerie ) and I had Lexi who passed away from kidney disease 7 years ago at 12 years old. I was devastated she was my medically challenged fur baby she had bowel disease and stomach issues and was on medication, her eating, drinking and litter box had to be monitored, I gave up doing things to make sure she got her medicine. I don’t know how many would have done what I did for her.

I grieved and moved and adopted Aerie as a baby and she’s now 6 1/3 years old. Aerie gives me a reason to come home and wake up in the morning.

She’s been my road trip buddy and she has seen the beach. We take walks in her pet stroller which is a lifesaver on road trips and she’s leash trained but will only walk in certain areas and most of the time I use the pet stroller.

My 3 sisters all have daughters but one has boy / girl twins and we are all cat people . I feel like I actually belong because my sisters are moms. We even refer Aerie to being my parents granddaughter. So we have some fun with this. I know people try to make Mother’s Day better by saying I’m a cat mom but realistically Aerie doesn’t surprise me or take me out so it’s not the same.

I know being single / divorced and something happened to me I do worry about what will happen to her. I  want her with a family member but none of them do what I do with her. I know after being her mommy for 6 years, I couldn’t imagine my life with out her and I just think if I had kids I would never be able to do the things I do with her or give her the love and attention I do. I really miss not having my own family but I do love my furry daughter !