My Unintentional Healer


I didn’t think I could look after an animal, I could barely look after myself.

After finally finding my freedom and myself, I was scared I would feel trapped looking after something other than myself. I have always put others first. So just when I finally put myself first, I found myself unconsciously signing up to be a Guide Dog Puppy Raiser.

What the hell was I doing! I’ve never had a pet before (well a kitten for a few weeks until I realised I was allergic). I signed up as they offer so much support, training and puppy classes. All vet bills, food, boarding and insurance is all included so it was a no brainer if I wanted to try it out to see if I was worthy of looking after another being.

Well…. fast forward 8 months. It hasn’t been easy and a rollercoaster of emotions but overall it’s been so rewarding. Our pup has gone through all the stages every week, so once you get used to him doing one thing he is onto the next phase which is more demanding than what came before.

However, he is a gorgeous soul and it’s been a privilege to watch him grow up and enjoy his training. It’s been a privilege to have gotten to know him and look after him.

He has taught me so much about myself. I have a purpose to get up in the mornings (he can’t feed himself as much as he tries!), when he was younger I only had 2 hour windows whilst he was asleep to get on with some work, which stopped the procrastination. I’m only living in the moment as he has a busier schedule than me and wants attention all the time! Which means that it’s kept most of my anxiety in check as I don’t have time to really ruminate on it. It’s been such a joy to see him experience new things and see his reactions.

He has taught me I can do this, even when I don’t feel like it. His waggy tail every morning suggests this is the case.

I will truly miss him when he goes off to big school but he will have a special place in my heart. I know he will be an amazing Guide Dog. He will never know how much he helped heal my wounds and help me find my purpose in life.

Thank you to our gorgeous boy

Ps. I will need a rest after he goes to big school though.