A ray of sunshine

Jeannie O

Pippa, a ray of sunshine

I never thought that I would have a doggie. I used to be terrified of dogs, avoided them anywhere. I had no pets before I had Pippa, a fox red labrador.

No friends wouldn’t believe how and why I changed my mind. They perplexed, even quizzed. I understated that I want to get rid of the pet fear, I don’t have to explain to them.

My decision was made during pandemic. Shortly after I got married. Husband has not been in his children’s life a decade. We both are in our 50s, We could never have our own at both this 2nd round. It would be so different if we’d met ten years earlier he says, he seems understand me. He had dogs before but never a puppy. I told him we have a puppy. I could start with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the perfect sized one. Our accidental dog breeder had four litters of labrador ready, one for us.

Pippa was 9 weeks old when we brought her home. She was bigger than I imagined. After a decade of over analysing how come for being childless (CNBC), years of ruminating on how to move forward. I have a fur baby, she is my family.

In the first couple weeks, I had to adjust to the reality of having a puppy around. Such as, she rushed towards me at the bottom of the stairs after my work, I almost froze. I was still apprehensive about a dog close to me. She paused, attentively looking at me … She is smart, a gentle soul.

Our connection grew in the next few weeks, when she had to have garden breaks in the night, I gently tucked her back to the crib afterwards. Soon I managed to see her on my own the first thing in the morning, put her brekkie in the bowl. She jumped, two legs standing, two paws up, barking with joy. She makes me so happy, I love caring for her.

I agree it is more important to train human up how to be with a dog. The first summer was too hot to walk with our trainer, we had to learn our way with time. Many times, Pippa pulled me across the field, so she could greet and play with her canine friends. Once after I let her off the lead, she ran away so quick. Panic filled my chest, oh I lost her, then she ran back to me, looked at me carefully … I know even she is not on the lead, she will come back after her play,but I still keep the lead on in the field. I can’t imagine my life without her now.

Pippa is communicative. She tilts her head, she has that look in her eyes to remind human of walking time, meal time. She can hear the word “walk” even at her sleep, her face lightens up. She “flies to the door” when W-A-L-K is pronounced.

Life with Pippa has changed me A LOT. I am not too bothered if the house is tidy or neat, dog hair or dog toys on the floor are not big deal. I go easier on my workload, I work from home most of time, I get paid less by doing so. Sometimes I work at the kitchen table, she is close by. She watches me during her snoozing intervals, our eyes meet. This is my happy moment.

I lavish my affection on her in front of people, I am not the reserved person I know about myself. I don’t mind. I started learning sewing so to make her more toys. I made Christmas bunting for her, I baked treats for her … I am learning new skills to keep us entertained, I enjoy spoiling her.

I am much more relaxed. I am not concerned to be that soooo loyal friend, I care less to please others. I am no longer the patient audience if anyone harping on and on about their children. When I feel enough is enough, I flash out Pippa’s photos “isn’t she gorgeous?” it works like a treat, how thrilling!

What we learn from our pets is amazing. Once I was searching for her in the garden, no sign of her. I looked around, out of nowhere, her two paws were on my back. “Naughty girl you”, next we played “hide and seek”. What she has done to me is not I anticipated. She arrived in my life just in time, she has lifted the weight off my shoulder, unexpected.

Life goes on, and, she still surprises me. We did our first charity walk of 10 miles for the local hospital this year, she was buzzing at the end. We have our routine, usually we go for the walk in the middle of afternoon, where the field nearby is quiet and day is still bright. Some good days, we have sunshine and we have the field for ourselves. She sniffs, runs, turns her head around to check on me with beaming smile. I care nothing else but having the best time ourselves. I am fun and I have intelligent conversation with my bestie, “you are a ray of sunshine, darling”. “I love you,Pippa”. This is one of my favourite time: me and my girl.