The Best Part Of My Life

Maria Hill

Animals have been a part of my life from my earliest days. Since my family was low on nurturing, I turned to animals and books for the companionship I needed. Being a sensitive person, my relationship with animals has continued throughout my adult life.

Like many others, I never thought my life would be one without a human family, but that became my reality. I would not say that animals were a substitute, though. Although they have been my family, I see them as friends, and fellow beings, companions who truly see us and who let us see them. For me, they have been better than family. They make life worthwhile in their own special way. As one presenter on The Dog Show said, no human can ever love you the way a dog can. I think it is true.

I have had as many as 5 animals in my life at one time, 3 dogs and 2 cats, all were abandoned or from shelters. Whenever I moved they moved with me; they were precious to me and saw me through the grieving process of childlessness.

Each had their unique ways about them. One of my cats, a black American shorthair liked to sleep with me on my back. He also loved Thanksgiving dinner. Another, an orange and white shorthair liked to meditate with me. Toffee was a strawberry blonde who could jump over my head.

Snooky was a Norwegian elkhound mix who chose her own name. Pasha was a mostly purebred Elkhound who was the sweetest animal you could ever meet. Corky was a black Cocker Spaniel who was the most wiggly dog I ever saw. Sunny was a blond Cocker Spaniel with Cushing’s disease who I supported through his final days. When I moved to Hawaii for a year they (Snooky, Pasha, and Midnight) came with me. All three would go on walks together.

All of my cats and dogs have been with me though my grieving process. My last cat, Kelly, however, was one of the most important. She saw me through the most difficult times leading up to my divorce.

Kelly had been surrendered after an accident. She had a broken pelvis, nerve damage to her head and some broken teeth. The teeth we fixed but the rest we could not. She was wobbly on her feet but undeterred - nothing stopped her. She could not go out on her own so I bought her a jean jacket for summer and a faux fur lined “suede” jacket for winter. We would go outside every day for walks and to sit under the trees in the huge green space behind our townhouse. I would bring a comforter so we could sit together. We enjoyed the feral cats who would come to hang out with us. One day we were delighted by a murmuration. These were wonderful times for both of us. For me it was healing to be with her and to get away from my computer.

Kelly developed hypothyroidism and although she had the radioactive iodine treatment, she never fully recovered. She passed away 6 years ago at 18 years of age. Since then, I have divorced, and therefore have not had any pets until I finish the transition process to a new life. I am itching to get at least one if not more, which I am hoping to do by the end of the year.

Animals have brought me the greatest comfort. They have a wonderful relationship with life. They are all in for the good that is possible and flexible when circumstances change. I love how they live in the spirit of friendship with me and I with them. I find that very relaxing, and it is easy to feel seen and to see them without any drama. They also have funny personalities, and love themselves no matter how goofy they are. I can always use the reminder to do the same.

I miss my past furry treasures so much and am looking forward to my next adventures with cats and dogs. They have always been the best part of my life, and I am grateful they are in the world to make it a more hospitable place.

Photo by Andrew S on Unsplash

Maria Hill

Maria Hill, a World Childless Week Ambassador and host of the Age of the Queen webinars is a highly trained coach in healing practices and cultural systems. She can help you understand how the dynamics of older hierarchical and authoritarian culture are the cause of your mental distress and how to reclaim your mind so it is on your side. Once you do your body, mind, emotions, and all energies will work together harmoniously. Your life will be yours and you will be free to be yourself and live on your own terms.