
Robyn Jamieson-Voss

We had to say goodbye to you September 2, 2024.  It’s been just a little over 24 hours since we said goodbye, and we are utterly heartbroken that a single, untreatable incident resulted in us making the most difficult decision to let you rest.

You pulled on our heartstrings the moment we met you in the rescue at the pet store.  You had the sweetest demeanour. You were 4 years old and had been in rescue for 9 months. No one wanted a 4-year-old kitty. But we knew instantly that if we didn’t take you home, you were going to be there for a while. And so, we did. We went into the store for kitty litter and came out with another kitty. You were ours.

You were our little buddy, and the best snuggler. You weren’t “just a cat”, or “just a pet”. You were our Jackie, and we loved you infinitely. We knew when we found you that we weren’t going to be able to have children due to unexplained infertility, but you came into our home and were another little furry meatball for us to love and take care of. 

When you had medical issue after medical issue, we were there to ensure you had the best care possible. We never questioned what we would do, even if it cost us a lot. You were our kid, and you deserved a happy and comfortable life. No question, we wanted to give you the best chances available, and you always beat the odds.

This time, your medical issue was too big with next to no success with treatment. There weren’t options this time, and there was no quality of life in what was left. We did everything that we could,my sweet BooBoo. It’s simply unfair that your little body was so unkind to you because you deserved to have so many more years with us. You deserved to have more love for all the love that you gave. This is not how we wanted to say goodbye. We weren’t ready at all, and we’re really struggling today. We miss your presence terribly, and it will take a long time to grieve your passing. Right now, it simply hurts too much.

I know we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. And Hynek is waiting there for you, and you two can sleep bum to bum again. Ozzy knows you’re missing, and I’m sure he misses having a kitty-bum to sniff! Although you and Scamper were never fur-buddies, I’m sure she misses your presence. You will forever be my sweet BooBoo, and I will love you forever. You were meant to be our kitty, and we were meant to be your people.  We had the best 7 years with you buddy. And we are going to miss you terribly.

We love you so much, Jack. You were the best buddy ever, and my mom-heart will miss you forever.