Love is love - I'm so honoured

Rachel Cordon

I wasn’t going to submit for ‘The importance of pets’, as I usually focus on ‘Moving forwards’, but this year I’ve decided to quickly do both. How can I not, when my wonderful creatures at home have brought so much to my life?

I’ve always had an adoration of creatures. I call them ‘creatures’ because I don’t feel like my adorations is of animals or ‘pets’ as such. Rather I love animals, insects, amphibians, reptiles and the rest, whether they be domesticated or wild (in fact on the most part I prefer to see creatures out in their natural habitat).

At home currently I have 2 Papillon dogs – Oscar and Rudi. I also have a little rescue tortoise (Sherman, expertly named by my husband), and an organic composter full of worms (I know some of you are saying “ewwwwww” right now ha ha) that I did try to name but I couldn’t find enough names and I can’t tell the hundreds of them apart from one another.  So I just call them all ‘Buddy’….

As I’m sure we all do, I have a lot of love to give, and I’ve found that having creatures to love and take care of has been a wonderful ‘purpose’ for that love. The combination of available love and my natural ability/connection with animals has meant that I can provide a caring and present space for my boys (yes they’re all boys – I literally live in a house of men!) which in turn absolutely lights up my heart on a daily moment to moment basis. At some point in the future I’d love to launch or be heavily involved in an animal rescue or rehabilitation project.

When I wake up in the morning the Paps and I rush to greet one another, we hug, we play and take a walk together before the day starts. It’s a wonderful way to start the day and it makes me look forward to getting out of bed.

The Paps also help me to stay fit, in a way that doesn’t feel taxing/like pushing. In addition to taking walks together we also train and compete in a dog sport called ‘Hoopers’. We used to run agility (and quite successfully I’d like to add) but unfortunately I had to retire Oscar from that for medical reasons. We train every Wednesday night as part of a local class and we compete whenever we can (maybe every couple of months or so on average) and this year we qualified and placed in the 2024 championships (#proudmoment)! Wednesday is our favourite day of the week.

My friends, family and work colleagues have been very supportive of my close bond with my creatures. They’re all aware of my childlessness and journey and recognise how much my boys mean to me, which in part is because one the whole they’re great people but also because I am openly unapologetic about how much they mean to me and that them being a priority to me is non-negotiable.  

Although I call my boys my ‘babies’, I don’t consider myself their Fur-Mum but rather more their Kahu (this is a Hawaiian word that means sacred guardian, keeper, caretaker, honoured attendant).  I believe that they are here to live their own life, for them, and I try to honour that and respect their wishes and individual life paths.

I want to thank all of the creatures that touch my life – yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Your innocence, simplicity and love lights up my world.x