Purpose. It can feel an elusive thing to find, and of course that’s because it is, elusive, intangible, shifting and changing as we grow.
Those of us who are childless know a deep grief that is one of the most daunting experiences of any human being. There are times when we may think we cannot survive it and times when we may think there is nothing to live for because of it.
An invitation to you - World Childless Week gives us 7 days but the tagline is “We are here for you through the year, we get louder in September”. The we was initially set up to represent me and the Ambassadors but equally it can be read as representing us all and how we support each other.
I've always been a big reader, and a big library user. I have membership cards for libraries all over the place - places I've lived, places I visit regularly, and some special ones like the National Library in Australia, and the Library of Congress in the US.
GUEST BLOG - Mid April 2023, I was scrolling through social media, and spotted a post from my local Facebook community group. A journalist was looking for women in their 50s for an article she was writing, about how they had found ways of making friends.
A submission is the core component of World Childless Week, so I’d best start at the beginning…
We all know about pronatalism because it surrounds us every day and is unavoidable in books, magazines, newspapers, advertising, television, films, social media, at work, on the radio, in politics and at the bus-stop.
Only a few hours later I braced myself to open their return email, as surely such a hasty response could only be bad news?
…World Childless Week was missing, so I wrote them and asked if they would consider including it.
2024 will arrive soon, so even now, it is worth considering what it means to cultivate your inner Queen: the mature, wise, and confident woman you are meant to be.