I was fired up and ready to speak for the childless community

A few weeks ago I shared Excited that we got a Big Resounding YES where Sam shared the news that the Diversity Council Australia had added World Childless Week to their calendar.

It made me reflect on an event I became aware of in the UK late last year, National Inclusion Week run by Inclusive Employers. I looked it up and found the website and their diversity calendar. I noted there was nothing referring to the childless and thought if Sam can do it, so can I!!

So, I sent off an email listing a few statistics, mentioned the childless not by choice are a large and growing minority whose grief is disenfranchised worldwide and a link to Childlessness in The Workplace from World Childless Week 2022.

Then I got myself prepared to defend why World Childless Week should be included. I went through the entire calendar making a note of every parent and mum related event they had included so that I could compare the inequality. I didn’t know if they respond or how long it would take but I was fired up and ready to go.

I was really suprised when only a few hours later they messaged me back. I braced myself to open their return email, as surely such a hasty response could only be bad news?

Thanks very much for your email and for highlighting this important date to us.

We agree that this has a place on the diversity calendar and have now added it.

Thank you for taking the time, we appreciate it.

Wow!! It had all been so easy and proved we can make a big difference with small actions.

Stephanie Joy Phillips

World Childless Week Founder

If you’ve reached out and raised awareness of World Childless Week, please get in touch. I’d love to share your story.