world childless week leaving a legacy 2021.png

Legacy feels connected to blood; the bloodline that we can’t or won’t continue. Do you feel sad or guilty that: your family name, traditions and collectibles ends with you? Why does the pain of not being able to pass something on hurt so much?

Perhaps you’ve found a way to lessen the pain or create a legacy in a new way; through teaching, sponsorship, art and creativity, innovation, gardening, charitable work or donations etc?

Kirsty Woodard and Patricia Faulks will discuss the background to AWOC (ageing without children), why groups became an important part of AWOC's work, how to go about setting one up and tips for overcoming challenges.

NB: Whilst Kirsty and Patricia are based in the UK, the principles of setting up a group can apply to anywhere in the world

Since we first came together for World Childless Week in 2021, the #NomoCrones (nomo = not-mother and crone is not an insult!) have been meeting each solstice and equinox for a series of informal online zoom gatherings called ‘Fireside Wisdom with Childless Elderwomen‘. And we got the band back together again, with an even BIGGER lineup of amazing childless elderwomen World Childless Week 2021 to discuss the often tricky issue of ‘Leaving a Legacy’ as a childless person.

What is a Legacy?

A pre-recorded discussion hosted by Lesley Pyne with Stephanie Joy Phillips, Berenice Smith, Michael Hughes, Caroline Stafford and Cristina Archetti.

You can find the question sheet Lesley refers to here