It's all happening! - Stephanie Phillips

Whilst I have been quiet over the last few months with regards to blogs I have been talking and sorting all things World Childless Week. I have been working alongside Berenice Smith of Hello Lovely updating and improving the website. I only said to Berenice yesterday that the website started out like a single forget me not flower still in bud, and is slowly blossoming into a full flower head with multiple flowers, and showing its full glory.

Some amazing people have joined our team as Champions: Vicky Page, Rod Silvers, James Petherick, Meriel Whale and Yvonne John. Please take a look at their bio’s on the home page and follow their links for more information about how they help to raise awareness. It is wonderful to see the home page starting to reflect the diversity of our community.  

The World Childless Week 2018 page has been set up in readiness and I’ve just had a little jump of joy to see that Berenice has added a countdown clock.

I didn’t know she’d done that!!

Our Community page is growing and the Get Involved section has been transformed. We’ve added a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page and alongside being able to download the World Childless Week logos you can now download social media images to use on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

One last thing is that yesterday we added a ‘donate’ button. I want to reassure you that every penny received will be used solely for the benefit of World Childless Week. The initial donations will help with the upkeep and upgrading of the website, the newsletter, webinars and additional sundry costs. The Champions and I all dedicate our time to World Childless Week for free.

What excites me the most is that your donations will help with a dream that has actually been on my mind for several years. I want to create leaflets and posters that can be distributed across the world to: doctor’s surgeries, hospitals, fertility clinics, libraries and other public buildings. These leaflets will let anyone who is childless due to infertility or circumstances know they are not alone. By directing them to World Childless Week they will discover that there is a whole community waiting to embrace and support them throughout the year.

So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to make my dream come true.

Love & laughter

Steph x


Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash