world childless week have you considered adoption 2021.png

So many of us (too many of us) have had this comment thrown in our face without any consideration of our feelings. How did it make you feel and how did you respond? Did you tell the truth or laugh it off, because sometimes that is the easiest response? Did you try to adopt and face unexpected hurdles, criticism and heartbreaking endings? Was adoption a conversation that split your relationship?

It’s time to tell the truth about why this comment hurts so much.

In this webinar Stephanie Joy Phillips is joined by Berenice Smith, Katy Seppi, Robyn Jamieson-Voss, Jess Tennant and Tansy Boggon.

They each share their personal story on adoption, the decisions they made and how they respond to the question “have you considered adoption?”

The world when "YES you have considered adoption.

Meditation affirmations by Bindi Shah