
Susan Fancy

One early morning, years ago, I joined a line of women waiting to have a blood test at a fertility clinic. The clinic hadn’t opened yet and I was fourth in the line that was growing quickly behind me.

The three women ahead of me were deep in conversation. I heard the two women at the front of the line explaining to the woman right in front of me that they both had children and were returning for more IVF treatment to use their leftover embryos.

When they finished their stories, the third woman said, “I’m here for my first IVF. I’m so nervous and worried.”

“Oh, I was really nervous too,” one of the two moms replied right away, “That’s normal. But if you want it enough, it will happen. That’s what I believe.”

Then the other mom said, “Yeah, I believe that too. If you want a baby enough, you’ll have it.”

I stood quietly. My body tensed. The sting of smug insensitivity.

Easy for them to say.

I felt badly for the nervous woman. I felt badly for my equally-nervous self. 


Sometimes I wonder what happened to the other nervous woman.