He Says

He says get over it
Move on
You can’t stay stuck here

It is what it is he says
Nothing we can do about it
It’s been a year

It’s time to stop complaining
Move on with your life

He says it’s just the two of us
No babies, no family, to keep us up at night
He hears our friends complaining
I hear a future, purpose and a life

He says this is the plan God has for us
As I continue to shed my tears
He sees it as a blessing
Where I see a future, alone, with no one looking in on our later years

I ask God why not us
Not understanding my purpose besides just being a wife
No big career, no great accomplishments in my life

He Says take one step and then another
Then put one step in front of the other

So, I put on a smile to keep from being a bother
All while knowing, I’ll never be somebody’s mother

Stacy N.