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Purpose Beyond Parenthood: FREE Focus Groups for Childless Women

Sheri Johnson, host of the Awakening Worth Podcast and creator of the Women of Worth Program for Childless Women, will be hosting these focus groups.

Purpose Beyond Parenthood: FREE Focus Groups for Childless Women

Discover how to create a beautiful life of acceptance, purpose and joy, even without kids.

Sound too good to be true?

Join Sheri Johnson and a small group of other childless women for this session and you’ll find out:

  • How to process your grief so much more quickly than waiting for time to heal it

  • What’s really behind those feelings of inadequacy and exclusion (hint: it’s not grief)

  • How to create your best life filled with purpose and passion

Sheri will walk you through the exact formula that she used on herself, and now her clients, to navigate grief, re-establish self-worth and create an enviable future of joy and confidence.

Dates: multiple dates

Times: choose the focus group time that suits you best

Click here to sign up for this 45 minute session and find the best time and date for you.

Sheri Johnson

Coach and Podcast Host for Childless Women

I help childless women navigate grief and triggers so they can live full and joyful lives of purpose and meaning.

After 3 miscarriages and 6 years of infertility, I was stuck in anger and grief. I was constantly triggered. At the end of my rope, I started learning some powerful mindset shifting tools. I practiced them on myself in a targeted way and it wasn’t long before I felt completely transformed. I created an amazing, fulfilling life that I love and packaged up this process into the Purpose Beyond Parenthood framework that I’ve been using with clients for 5 years. Now, I love seeing women go through their own transformations!

Click here to sign up for this 45 minute session and find the best time and date for you.