Sacred Woman Retreats: A Sanctuary for Childless Women
Sacred Woman Retreats offers a safe, supportive space where you can embark on a 4-day journey of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment.
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Sacred Woman Retreats offers a safe, supportive space where you can embark on a 4-day journey of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment.
It is a known fact that race may have impacted your journey to motherhood.
Life or rather childlessness threw us a curveball and we ended up walking into a fog of confusion, full of questions.
Taking a leap into the future as CNBC women: Without a well-defined and socially sanctioned path to follow, how do we move past what we don’t have and find the courage to take the plunge into an expansive and meaningful life?
Join us for a transformative webinar during World Childless Week, where we explore the unique role of the childless step-mother within modern family structures.
A panel discussion with Meriel, Karin and Catherine-Emmanuelle, who will talk about their own journey of healing and invite questions and comments from the audience. We would also like to talk about what helps and hinders in the counselling room.
Sometimes, it is only by picking up our pens that we can become the authors of our own stories again.
Join us for this Queens around the World webinar, where we are discussing what the childless journey has been like, positive and negative, and even if there have been some personal gains. What has it been like?
A meditation session on: Letting go of self-blame, bringing in FORGIVENESS, and seeing your light. Yes, you are worthy.
This webinar with Juli, will focus on providing practical self-coaching tools, tailored with the childless experience in mind.
Ever wondered why those older CNBC women seem to be enjoying their life, even though they didn’t get to be parents?
Within this webinar, delegates have the opportunity to hear practical insights into how we have helped organisations to recognise childlessness as an important Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) issue.
Involuntary childlessness is a personal, social and cultural experience and the way it unfolds in our lives can feel devaluing.
Sensitivity comes from a highly receptive nervous system; it is a biological and genetically based trait. Sensitive people are different in many ways:
You might see the title of this webinar and hope for some witty or sarcastic responses that would just put people in their places. This webinar is not going to do that. It’s going to give you SO MUCH more.
In many workplaces the divide between work and home has reduced as we continue to enjoy the freedom that working from home brings. We are able to spend more time with our families, our hobbies, and our furbabies.
Childlessness can place a huge strain on our friendships, so much so that Jody termed it the #FriendshipApocalypse.
Are you a woman who is permanently childless, not by choice or by circumstances? Are you looking for a safe space with like-minded women who have passed through the dark night of the soul of childless grief, come out the other end, perhaps battered and bruised…
Strong emotions may come up when we navigate our lives without children around friends with kids. It’s often difficult to talk about these feelings and difficult to live with them.
A discussion on rescue pets and the rescuing effect they have had on us in our grief.
Today we’ll discuss the role pets play in healing the grief of childlessness (or not), and also how to cope with the death of a furbaby/featherbaby or scalybaby on top of the grief of childlessness.
Yvonne John, Civilla Morgan and Haneefah Muhammad will lead an exploration of the rich history and enduring legacies of our Black childless ancestors.
Being a childless not by choice person of colour can have extra layers of burden due to culture, tradition, religion. How does your culture or race (or both ) add extra layers to being childess?
A healing space for people of colour to write their stories around childlessness, racial bias/discrimination, and the challenges of life.
This webinar will explore ways in which childhood trauma can resurface or be triggered later in life by the experience of being childless not by choice.
Join us, wherever you are on your childless journey, for this webinar exploring the metaphor of emotional seasons and childlessness.
In this webinar, Lori and Michael - both avid amateur genealogists - will chat about what they’ve learned from researching their families’ histories..
Are you a woman who is permanently childless, not by choice or by circumstances? Do you long for a safe haven where your story is understood, witnessed, and honored? Look no further than Healing Horseshoe!
Sheri Johnson, host of the Awakening Worth Podcast and creator of the Women of Worth Program for Childless Women, will be hosting these focus groups.
Tyrants and abusers fear your self-trust. When you unravel our legacy of deceptive cultural messages and norms, you will discover the truth of your inner goodness, which no one can take from you.
What does it mean to live your own story? When we embrace a new life, it can mean that old relationships and interests recede in favor of something new.