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I am ME photo

In 2018 I chatted with a childless photographer called Cherry Williams who wanted to contribute something positive for World Childless Week. After running through a few ideas we came up with the idea of ‘I am me’.

Far too often grief can drag us down and “I am childless” can consume our identity. We focus on one word when the reality is we are so much more. #IamME gives us the opportunity to share the aspects of our life and personality that we want to highlight and celebrate. If you’d like to participate:

  1. Take a selfie (or use a photo) You don’t need to show your face if you don’t want to, and your photo can be serious or fun.

  2. Use Canva or a mobile app to add the things you want us to know about you.

  3. Don’t forget to add #IamME and #worldchildlessweek

  4. Send your complete #IamME photo to me by the 29th August

I’ll share some of your photo on social media in the run up to World Childless Week and all of them in a gallery on Saturday 18th September for We Are Worthy.

If you want some inspiration you can see the 2018 #IamME gallery here.  

Love & laughter

Steph x

P.S If you also share your photo on social please tag World Childless Week in so I can cheer you on.  

My original #IamME from 2018

My original #IamME from 2018

My #IamME for 2021. I didn’t realise I’d picked fun for both until I posted the two photos here.

My #IamME for 2021.

I didn’t realise I’d picked fun for both until I posted the two photos here.