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The Life You Deserve!

Tyrants and abusers fear your self-trust. When you unravel our legacy of deceptive cultural messages and norms, you will discover the truth of your inner goodness, which no one can take from you. Then, you can claim self-trust. and be free to be yourself and live on your own terms! You get the life you deserve.

Maria is a trained coach on the complex factors that keep us stuck in false narratives. She knows the mental, emotional, and energetic keys to releasing old stories and obligations, especially the deceptive social patterns of the patriarchy and authoritarianism.

Once you release yourself from the deeper processes and patterns keeping you stuck, you need a new path forward. Maria offers insights into the emerging thriving-focused culture and the new skill of living ecologically as we move out of capitalism into an egalitarian world. Her Magic Of Joy Substack supports sensitive people, empaths, and the childless.  It provides the tools you need to master the journey to a strong foundation of self-trust and joyful living.

Topics are:

The Unraveling And Degrowth: What is not working and why? How do we make degrowth work for us, and why do we need to do so?

Aliveness Culture: How do we create a culture that makes trust, thriving, and healthy aliveness central to our lives? What is a world healthy in all aspects like?

Gentle Living: How does gentle living make it easier to live in a state of flow connected with reality, ourselves, and each other? How does a model of caring heal all people and the earth? What are practical ways to take back our lives and transform them through human-scale, gentle living?

The Return Of The Feminine: A world based on the violent masculine is not healthy, thriving, or survivable. How does the feminine help us create a new, healthier world? How does a healthy connection with sensuality and sexuality support a thriving world? (This topic includes the Age Of The Queen webinars.)

New Sovereignty: How can we release false enchantments of unworthiness to welcome a new relationship with ourselves that embraces and celebrates the good in ourselves? How does a Joy Practice help us shift into a healthier relationship with ourselves and all aspects of life? How can we reclaim our agency for friendship towards ourselves and others? How do we claim autonomy and agency, especially if we have been marginalized by circumstance: race, gender, nationality, or childlessness?

The Magic Of Joy is a pathway from the old to the new emerging culture that embraces the rights of all living beings.

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