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5 Keys To Answering the Insensitive Remarks With Grace

You might see the title of this webinar and hope for some witty or sarcastic responses that would just put people in their places. This webinar is not going to do that. It’s going to give you SO MUCH more.

Sheri is going to show you: - The real reason the insensitive remarks “trigger you”. The mindset shifts that will allow the emotions to dissipate. How to respond in a way that feels authentic and loving. How to actually get the other person to understand why you feel hurt.

Join this webinar and walk away with practical tips and the mindset shifts you need to navigate any insensitive comment with grace.

DATE: Friday 20th September

TIME: 4pm BST - Find your timezone HERE


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Sheri Johnson - Canada

Sheri is a coach and podcast host for childless women.

I help childless women navigate grief and triggers so they can live full and joyful lives of purpose and meaning.

After 3 miscarriages and 6 years of infertility, I was stuck in anger and grief. I was constantly triggered. At the end of my rope, I started learning some powerful mindset shifting tools.

I practiced them on myself in a targeted way and it wasn’t long before I felt completely transformed. I created an amazing, fulfilling life that I love and packaged up this process into a framework that I’ve been using with clients for 5 years. Now, I love seeing women go through their own transformations!