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The Double Whammy Of Being Sensitive And Childless

Sensitivity comes from a highly receptive nervous system; it is a biological and genetically based trait. Sensitive people are different in many ways:

  • they often see what others miss

  • their deep processing skills help them see a need for change, or a tipping
point before others do. They can also be very process oriented rather than goal oriented something we could use more of.

  • sensitive people are holistic thinkers. They have a big-picture perspective and, therefore, may offer uniquely constructive solutions to problems.

  • They are also people who notice patterns and, therefore, how to change them, 
contributing in important ways to the evolution of the human race.

Sensitive people have a natural transpersonal perspective and a preference for collaborative processes over adversarial ones. Highly sensitive people are natural visionaries, peacemakers, creatives, and humanitarians.

The work of processing so much sensory information in our complex and fast-paced world takes a lot of time and energy. Sensitive people often need to take more time than others to process information and feelings to discern what they want to do. This need can affect their choice of work and affect relationship decisions, including marriage and children. In this webinar we discuss the intersection between sensitivity and childlessness and learn from our panelists how sensitivity has impacted their lives especially how it has impacted their ability to have a family of their own. 

DATE: Friday 20th September

TIME: 7pm BST - Find your timezone HERE


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Maria Hill - US

I believe women are being freed to come into their power in a way impossible in the past.

I am childless by circumstance. I was a moderator at Gateway Women, now Childless Collective for about ten years, and enjoyed supporting sensitive childless women in a dedicated subgroup. I also participate in Jody Day’s Fireside chats as part of her Gateway Elderhood Project.

I have a BA in languages, MBA, and BFA in Painting. I am a trained life coach, and have coaching training also in cultural systems. I am a healer with certification in Reiki, and Theta Healing. 

My online work is transformative coaching teaching energy and cultural discernment skills to sensitive and/or childless women.I provide a pathway to help women leave the patriarchal systems and embrace their freedom. I believe women are being freed to come into their power in a way impossible in the past.

Jinny Nash - UK

Jinny Nash from the UK is childless by circumstance, a former Gateway Gathering Host, and, like me, a highly sensitive person. She works as an Adapted Yoga Teacher for Chronic Health Conditions, runs a Domestic Cleaning Agency, and shares the energy healing techniques she uses with others on a voluntary basis. 

Jinny is also well known as an important member of Helen Louise Jones Chanting Circle and one of the voices on the inspirational song for childless women, Calm After The Storm. 

Karen Morrione - US

Karen Morrione is a passionate health communications specialist planning for her third act. She loves reading, writing, knitting, cooking, animals, and her family and friends - not necessarily in that order.

As a member of the Childless Collective, she co-hosts the Writing Group and the Childless Elderwomen group, and is learning to thrive as a highly sensitive person in a fast-paced and confusing world.

Amy Permann - US

Amy Permann is single in her early 50s, living in San Antonio, TX, USA. She wants to be more present in the next half of my life and experience more of the joys life offers! She proudly embraces being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Learning about the HSP trait has given her a much better understanding of herself.

She is still grieving that children are not part of her life since she dreamed of being a Mom since she was a little girl, taking care of her dolls. She loves hiking, learning about animals, and meeting new people. To increase her joy, she is seeking a more fulfilling career and wants to travel. Yorkshire and Alaska are on the top of her bucket list of destinations.