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Work Life unbalanced – slings and arrows

In many workplaces the divide between work and home has reduced as we continue to enjoy the freedom that working from home brings.  We are able to spend more time with our families, our hobbies, and our furbabies.  What has been observed in many workplaces is that this freedom has also brought with it an unbalanced swing to the work life divide as people bring their children into zoom meetings, leave meetings to answer a child’s query, or dominate workplace conversations with child focussed talk.

This work life divide becoming unbalanced has the potential to not only amplify the triggers of loss and longing for CNBC colleagues, it also brings exclusion to the workday as the almost invisible minority of CNBC people are unable to contribute to these conversations.

What many don’t realise is that these slings and arrows also have the potential to impact mental and emotional wellbeing, morale and productivity.

Join us as we uncover the types of conversations that need to be avoided and ask how can we manage our own wellbeing at work and how can people with children be allies to CNBC colleagues just as they would to another minority in the workplace.

DATE: Friday 20th September

TIME: 10am BST - See your timezone HERE


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Anne Altamore - Australia

Before retraining to become a counsellor, psychotherapist, and coach based in Melbourne Australia, Anne Altamore was an international marketing communications manager experienced in working with many cultures. Anne has seen the pendulum swing from a strict work life divide to the now almost invisible divide between work and home.

Being childless not by choice, Anne has experienced extremely valuable support at work while on her infertility journey as well as heartbreaking exclusion from child dominated conversations in the workplace in more recent times. One of her many areas of interest is in exploring how CNBC people can manage their own wellbeing in the workplace as well as raise awareness of the reality of disenfranchised grief for this demographic and seek to create a truly inclusive work environment.

Dr Robin Hadley - UK

Dr Robin Hadley is a well-regarded researcher, consultant, speaker, teacher and writer.  He has devoted many years to investigating the complexities of male childlessness, yet another invisible demographic in the CNBC world.

His research has been widely published in international and national media and his book ‘How is a man supposed to be a man? Male childlessness a Life Course Disrupted’ has received critical acclaim.

Robin continues to research how male childlessness impacts many areas of life as he provides valuable insight to grow research evidence for the virtually non-existent data on the effects of male involuntary childlessness on men as they age.

Robin is a founder member of the campaign group Ageing Without Children.


Earlier Event: September 19
Friendships Across Life