Finding acceptance and moving forward

Sunday 16th September is about new perspectives. Our grief will lessen and we will find new dreams. It doesn't mean that we will forget our desire to have been a parent, but it does mean our life can have new meaning. We can reflect on how we have moved forward since last year’s World Childless Week. What changes we have made in our life and hear from those who have found acceptance and embraced their Plan B.

Join Jody Day on Sunday at 5pm for a free webinar. Jody Day is the founder of Gateway Women and the author of 'Living the Life Unexpected: 12 Weeks to Your Plan B for Meaningful and Fulfilling Future Without Children'. To reserve a space please click here.

Read the content as we release it through the day. You can also join Lesley Pyne who is a World Childless Week Champions at 11am BST on Facebook and Stephanie Phillips ends the day at 7pm BST (right after Jody's webinar ends). Catch them both here Facebook Lives. Get social and share using our hashtag #worldchildlessweek