Not To Be

I never got to meet you

To show you how to be

I never got to look at you

To see how much was me

I never got to hold you

To plant the sweetest kiss

I never got to hear your cry

And rock you into bliss

I’ll never get to show you

How much I have to give

I’ll never get to show you

Where we were to live

I’ll never get to show you

How wonderful she is

The beauty of her angelic soul

Sparkling with fizz

I’ll never get to see you

Love her with your eyes

Or how she’d make you giggle

Chuckling to the skies

We’ll never get to teach you

Love and watch you grow

We’ll never get to hold your hands

Swing you to and fro

We’ll never get to watch you sleep

We’ll never get to hear a peep

We’ll never forget you weren’t to be

You were her


You were me

Ed from London

Since writing this poem Ed has produced a film called The Endo Me which features his poem Not To Be.

The Endo Me follows Emily, after she is diagnosed with Endometriosis. It looks at how the disease affects her life living with chronic pain, and what it does to her relationships.

The character is represented by professional actors and real life Endo sufferers (Endo Warriors), who have self recorded across the U.K., U.S.A, Italy, Barbados, Kenya and the Cayman Islands, during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I am so grateful to each and every one of them.

For the latest info on Endometriosis, please visit Endometriosis UK