Someone Different

Carol Leigh Frye

At first I felt excluded

From society at large,

Because I thought I was a parent, 

Or would be at some charge. 

But the years rolled steady onward,

And no child came to me,

And through my grief I questioned 

Who myself would be. 

What was for other people

Was not who I would be,

But I was someone different 

Than who they turned out to be. 

What I wanted was no different

So this change I could accept, 

Or go crazy from the yearning,

What a strange concept. 

Oh, I wanted to be like them,

And I tried so hard for years, 

But that never changed my future 

Or calmed all of my fears. 

But one day a thought slighted

Sang a sweet new melody. 

What if my uniqueness 

Made me extraordinary?

What if I was given freedom 

And a life I dearly love

While I was also denied children 

By the God who reigns above? 

Blessings come in different ways,

Not all look the same. 

Ones in disguise come to the wise

Who still choose to play the game. 

I didn't ask to have this life, 

But live it, I sure will! 

To find myself and what I like

Remains my purpose, still.