Random Ways I Flourish

Susan Fancy

I prioritize movement, colour, comfort, rest and writing.

I seek out warm, engaging people.

I step outside to smell blooms, watch birds, sink my toes in warm sand, gaze at trees swaying in a breeze…to savour nature.

I no longer cast blame on myself or anyone else.

I consider the probability of inclusion before saying yes to social, wedding and shower invites.

I move on from relationships that feel one-sided or draining.

I leave books, shows and movies that stereotype childless people unfinished.

I reign in my people-pleasing tendency.

I embrace being an unabashed dog-pleaser.

I react less.

I find ways to laugh more.

I let myself cry and move along.

I understand and appreciate my sensitivity.

I listen to my intuition.

I return kindness.

I regard a day of laundry and snuggling dogs with favourite music playing as time well spent.

I make time for relationships that fill my heart.

I cherish time spent with people who cherish me.