An Infertile World

E Tilling

I have always found art & poetry great healing methods. This piece of art was created during one of my most darkest times when I struggled to convey my experience of isolation, hurt & loss of dreams. I wrote the poetry a few years later to inspire others. Just like my own journey, over time the pieces themselves have grown together to become one powerful voice.

Tears well up inside my heart
For the dreams I cannot bare to part
Through rivers of emotions flow
The voice eternally screaming no

How could this happen to me?
Why was I born so differently?

A life reimagined, is still a life so full
With more to explore, than the motherhood pull
Intrepid journeys to worlds close and far
Time for meditation, discovery of who you are

Calmness aplenty, space to relax
Understanding connections, finding those who have your back
Wisdom, learning, a little growth too
Is waiting to soften the hurt within you

So hold on dear one, your time is far from done
Today may be rough
You're still valued, still worthy, more than enough