Death of a Dream


How does a dream die?


Is it a beloved pet in your vet’s office?

The dream spreading and growing beyond anyone's control.

A cancer growing ever larger.

Until, someone must make a choice.

To watch the slow suffering devour all you love most or to end it.


Is it grandma’s hand squeezing yours with brave desperation?

The dream taking your last ounce of strength

Desperate for the end,

but equally desperate to know that it was all worth it.

That the time wasn’t wasted and the years spent unfulfilled.


Is it your high school classmate chasing one final high?

The dream driving you incessantly in constant pursuit.

Intertwining itself into every moment, every thought, every action.

Until it becomes inseparable from your very being

and, ending it, means ending you.


Is it a shadow etched on a wall?

The dream blissfully unaware of its fleeting fragility.

An all powerful source rending all your control.

A complete detonation of your current reality.

World-altering change to you and everyone else.

A flash of brightness, a glimmer of hope, before utter devastation.


I killed mine and still I mourn.

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash