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Writing our stories of colour

A healing space for people of colour to write their stories around childlessness, racial bias/discrimination, and the challenges of life.

Bindi will lead a meditation & writing session: Notice aspects of your childless journey which were impacted by the colour of your skin - the way you were seen (or not seen) within different institutions; within relationships; within your own family and expectations of marriage & children. How did faith attribute to this? How did your identity in wider society hold you back in ways which then contributed to your childlessness - for example not feeling financially secure enough, due to wage disparity. Was your career more important to having a 'legitimate' place in society, so you delayed parenthood? Were you searching for a life partner who understood your cultural background?

DATE: Tuesday 17th September

TIME: 10am BST - See your timezone HERE

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Bring a pen and some paper, and a glass of water.


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Bindi Shah - UK

Bindi Shah is a meditation guide, and writer. Finding solace in meditation, Bindi now shares her learning with others.

In meditation, you move inwards, which is a tender place to be. I want childless not by choice women to feel comfortable as they meditate, and to be with others who understand their story.

Bindi's path into the well-being world began in India after leaving her corporate job. She established a healing practice, combining yoga, meditation, Ayurveda and life coaching. 

Writing is a love of Bindi’s and a refuge during difficult times. Her healing words are published in the poetry book ‘The Eyes of Time’, under the pseudonym Grace Sumeria. Her healing writing is also the inspiration for her writing workshops. 

Bindi's empathy for the childless community comes from her own multi-layered experience, including adenomyosis that led to a hysterectomy. Her work revolves around empowering and supporting others on similar paths.