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What Can We Learn From Our Family History?

In this webinar, Lori and Michael - both avid amateur genealogists - will chat about what they’ve learned from researching their families’ histories, the impact that has had on their thinking about their extended families (past, present and future) as childless people, whether/how we might be remembered, and the legacies we hope to leave for future generations. 

DATE: Monday 16th September

TIME: 12pm BST - See your timezone HERE


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Lori Bianco - Canada

I first realized that motherhood might not be in the cards when my first (and only) pregnancy, with a baby girl, ended in stillbirth at 26 weeks in August 1998, when I was 37.  Subsequent infertility treatments were unsuccessful and in 2001, at age 40, my husband and I decided to take the road less travelled and continue to live without children.   

I was fortunate to find some online support in those pre-social media days, and I became one of the first bloggers writing about involuntary childlessness in 2007 (under the pen name Loribeth).  I’m 63 years old now, a proud auntie and great-auntie, retired from my longtime job in corporate communications, living in a condo in suburban Toronto -- and still blogging about life without children. My life is very different from what I imagined, growing up -- but it’s still a good life!  

Michael Hughes - Australia

One half of a childless marriage, one third of the Fullstop Podcast a childless not by choice podcast and community. Born in the UK, but spent the last 40 yrs living in Australia in the coastal city of Wollongong. Passionate about having the childless community dictate to the world what childlessness is.