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The re-awakening of the Childless step mum

The biggest gift to you and the dated dynamic of the nuclear family in our society today

Join us for a transformative webinar during World Childless Week, where we explore the unique role of the childless step-mother within modern family structures. Drawing from real-life experiences and expert insights and data that demonstrates the changing family structures in our society and unhelpful pressures of existing dynamics and the growing need for a re-thinking of how we raise and care for children in society.

We discuss how our presence as childless step parents disrupts the myth of the nuclear family dynamic; the perceived sanctity and potentially suffocating bonds of biological parenting within nuclear family structures is unearthed and the challenges our roles face examined. Our strengths and unique perspective to the potentially suffocating nuclear family structure we disrupt is challenged by our presence hence the overwhelming stigma from society expressed through the "Evil step mother" trope aims to quieten and isolate us.

Our strength and emotional reserve is tested as we navigate grieving our own loss of family opportunities whilst simultaneously contributing the improved outcomes of another family within which we may often feel unseen, under valued and unwanted.

During this webinar we proudly take our place in society busting myths about outdated family structures and explore the opportunity to re-imagine co created family structures that better serve all involved. We will challenge traditional family dynamics and consider alternative structures that serve the needs of all members with respect and equality and imaging the role of the childless step parent as an equal and supportive mentor, guide and role model.

We encourage those left bruised by their childless step parent experiences through our own stories and lived experiences to take pride and step forward in their purposeful role, positive identity and valuable offerings and hard won emotional strength fostered in the intersection between the coal face of family life and the vast depths of childless grief.

Neither evil and cruel step mother nor self sacrificing silent contributor we re awaken the childless step mother hood and discover how this challenging experience can become the most precious gift ever given to todays society and ourselves as we learn to proudly own the space of the childless step-mother.

DATE: Sunday 22nd September

TIME: 1pm BST - Find your timezone HERE


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Alex willumsen - UK

Based in Brighton and loving life by the sea, cold water swimming, camping and cats and my mini poodle, I found myself childless after a womb cancer diagnosis during fertility treatment in 2016.  

The diagnosis and unsuccessful attempts at building a biological family with my partner came unexpectedly alongside navigating my role as a step mum to my partners two children during the past 13 years. 

Determined to rebuild myself, explore my grief and understand my feelings better, and as a Gateway Women Reignite weekend graduate, I’ve become a compassionate champion for childless step-mums.

I raised awareness of the complexity of navigating these emotions alongside step-parenting through my episode on Kate Ferdinand’s podcast, Blended, in December 2022. 

For the past 5 years I’ve run a support group for childless step mums @stepbystepbrighton in person and online and to expand my support for blended families, recently qualified as a wedding celebrant and step family coach.

Jo Morgan - UK

Based in The Chilterns, married for ten years and after ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages and expensive failed IVF treatments we had to acknowledge a biological child was not meant to be. Devastated by grief it has taken a long time to accept this. Alongside finding myself being a step mum for over 10 years and we are currently dealing with a teenager!

As an armed forces wife, I’ve had to navigate a world where female friendships in military accommodation arise from “playgroup dates and family days”. As a full-time working area manager and a “weekend” step mum, I’m totally forgotten to be invited to social events.    

Searching for a tribe I found Gateway women, meeting two amazing women in a similar situation. Through group chats late at night when frustrations are high, I’ve found a support network that has changed my life, helping me find a pathway through this world that is step parenting.

Shaneen Joubert - UK

I am a bonus-mum to my partners 3 children for the last 4 years, the youngest of whom is 5. I unexpectedly entered early menopause before I had biological children, leaving me with a host of griefs to process. Sometimes, my grief is mitigated by having step-children. Most often it is exacerbated as I am faced with my losses whenever the children are around. 

I’m also a trauma-informed occupational therapist. I am deeply passionate about how people develop and what we need for an optimal life. My experiences as a bonus-mum provide an interesting lens through which my understanding of human needs deepens.

As a bonus-mum without biological children, I feel a constant conflict between my needs and the omni-present and urgent needs of others. I have to frequently check in with myself about my needs and what to do about it. I believe that the unique experience of a childless step-parent can offer valuable insights into how to express and validate our human needs in a world where we are surrounded by constant urgent needs on political, social and environmental levels.