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Embracing Us

A 9 month community with workshops for CNBC women with a desire to find meaning beyond motherhood

You have done lots of grief work and most days the dark clouds have passed... However, there's still a lingering sense of feeling lost and unfulfilled that arises. People try to be helpful by suggesting that time will make it easier or that shifting your mindset or finding a new purpose will help. While they make it sound simple, they don't fully grasp the importance of motherhood and how deeply ingrained having a child was in our concept of a meaningful life. In this group, we will meet monthly to provide support as we embrace the life that is available to us. Together, we will rediscover our identities, strengths, sources of joy, and work on identifying and releasing what holds us back. We will engage in workshops, learn new tools, and participate in a loving, safe, and understanding community of childless not by choice women.

Expected time: Thursday 10am PST/ 1pm EST/ 6pm UK/ 7pm Europe

Frequency: 9 Sessions between Aug 2023 and June 2024

Session Duration:  90 mins (total of 13.5 hours)

Location:  Zoom

Price: 170 GBP/200 Euro/220 USD

(150 GBP early bird discount if you sign up by 31st July)

To sign up email Sandra:

For more information go to:

To join Sandra's Facebook Group:

My name is Sandra McNicol and I am permanently childless, not by choice too. I, therefore, have first-hand experience of the multi- layered challenges of being childless. While we are all unique and have very personal stories, I empathise with how hard our journey is and offer you safe and non- judgmental support from a lived (and in progress) experience. 

Sandra McNicol

As a coach and grief therapist, I offer empathetic and grief-aware sessions to women from across the globe, who are childless not by choice. I provide compassionate support and inspiration to help navigate the unique challenges we face as we move forward in our unexpected lives without children.


I can’t put into words what this group has done for me. I was all alone on an island before finding Sandra and the other ladies. Now, I feel understood and I love the support I am able to receive and offer within the group. The ladies in the group truly are some of the most compassionate and loving women I have ever met. Sandra does an amazing job leading the group. I especially love the workshops. Each one is different and I feel like I am able to heal one more layer with each workshop. As we know, the grief we carry is deep and layered. It takes time to be able to embrace who we are without children. I am just now at a point where I am getting excited for my future again. I’m so grateful I took the chance when I signed up for the group. It takes some courage to reach out and put yourself out there, but I promise you won’t regret it. Vulnerability leads to deeper connections and feeling understood. Which I love. 

Suzanne C - 3rd Edition of the group

To sign up email Sandra: