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Childless and Single

World Childless Week, 12-18 September 2022, is now approaching its 6th year of raising awareness and uniting the childless not by choice community together across the globe. By sharing our thoughts and stories we reached over 100 countries in 2021 and helped countless people know they are not alone.

Your submission can be written, sung, painted, danced or come in any other media that can be shared on the World Childless Week website. This is your chance to express yourself and share your story.

Every submission that is accepted will be posted on the World Childless Week website and social media platforms. On Tuesday 13th September we will be sharing our thoughts, feelings and experiences of being Childless and Single:

You may have met someone who promised you everything and changed their mind, leaving you walking away from the relationship. Perhaps you held onto the dreams of meeting your perfect partner and they never appeared. Maybe you met your match and circumstances mean they are no longer in your life?

How has being single as well as being childless affected you?

You can look at our guidelines and make a submission here


You DO NOT have to be a professional writer etc.

Your submission must fall under one of the daily topics.

You can be credited or remain fully anonymous (please make it clear).


You can look at our guidelines and make a submission here