The 'Empty Nest' comes in all shapes and sizes


At this time of year it can be hard to escape media articles about the “Empty Nest” that are designed to help prepare parents for the impact of their teenagers heading off to university or elsewhere to start a new stage in their life after leaving school.

It’s just one example of how often the experiences of being a parent are explored, discussed and reflected in the media, compared with the experiences of those who do not have children - for whatever reason - for whom an “Empty Nest” is a concept we find ourselves having to acknowledge, approach and adapt to in different ways and at different stages throughout our lives.

It can seem much harder to find the many varied experiences and stages of a life without children documented in the media.

“World Childless Week” to me feels important and significant for a number of reasons, including the opportunity it offers to raise the profile of those who do not have children by providing a platform from which our different stories, experiences and feelings about living a life without children can be shared with both the wider world and our own childless communities (which thankfully seem to be thriving and expanding, particularly with the help of social media).

Weeks such as this can hopefully help make our presence felt and lead to greater representation, which might in turn lead to a wider awareness, appreciation and understanding of the fact that whether by choice or circumstance, not everyone becomes a parent.

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash