During the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, when I kept seeing photos of all these families doing fun things to try and get through the lockdown, it made me a little sad.
I refused to allow myself to go down that downward spiral again so in May of 2020, I dusted off my sketchbooks and pencils (it had been 18 years since I drew anything) and signed up for figure drawing classes with a local studio on Zoom. I forgot how much joy drawing brought me. I forgot that I was an artist and I drew amongst some really kind and wonderful people too. (Still do, we are now in person and it's so wonderful to meet these people face to face)
It made me realize that being a mother doesn't define who I am: I am an Artist. A wife. An aunt, daughter, sister in law, best friend and many other things. I love deeply and laugh loudly. My husband and I spoil our 7 year old dog and donate to local shelters.
For the longest time it seemed like being a parent was the only goal in life, the next step for all, and it took awhile to realize it isn't. And it doesn't define who I am either.
Heather M
by Heather M