Dear World

Dear World

As I write this I can barely keep the tears at bay. My emotions swell because I am so angry. Angry at myself for the choices I’ve made, angry at all the women for whom motherhood came so easily. Angry at the world for making me feel less than because I am not part of their tribe.

I feel like the world has turned its back on me because I am not a mother. The things that used to bring me joy only remind me that I am not a mother. They shout at me “you have not brought a child into the world, you do not belong, you are not worthy, you are not a real woman”

Reading used to bring me peace until every story became about getting pregnant and creating a family. TV shows used to keep me company until every show became about children, teenagers, the family unit, or the power of mothers…

Where do you fit in if you are not a mother, an auntie, or even a pet mom? Nowhere. I am just a woman nothing more nothing less. But I don’t have a day that belongs to me, I don’t have support that helps me cope, I don’t have a group of people surrounding me telling me it’s OK that I failed at the most basic “job” a woman has.

The world is becoming sensitive to other marginalized populations. People are becoming more politically correct, which is a good thing. But don’t we non-moms deserve the same courtesy? I implore the world to see value in ALL women not just the mothers of the world. Show some sensitivity to those of us who are not part of your moms club.


K. Collins

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash