The Walks in Wellies

Sarah Bradley

What are you asking me?

Do you not want

The sleepless nights,

Toys on the kitchen floor,

The tiny toes and fingers

Messy from fun outdoors?

Or is it the Goodnight Kisses that you do not want?


Do you not want

The brain-wrenching wailing,

Not knowing what it’s for,

The cash drain of childcare,

Working just to be poor?

Or is it the Walks in Wellies that you do not want?


Do you not want

The sibling squabbles,

No time for you alone,

The childish dressing-up clothes,

And “get off that bloody phone”?

Or is it the Hand in Your Hand that you do not want?


Do you not want

The stinky nappies,

Snotty noses, germs and smells,

The tears and the tantrums,

And I don’t feel well?

Or is it the “I Love You Mummy,” that you do not want?


I did once want

All of it.

But no, I don’t want yours,

Because they are not mine.


I do want you to know

How lucky you are.

Photo by June Admiraal on Unsplash