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How to deal with comments that hurt, when you just want to say F%&K OFF!

2am Pacific, 10am UK, 7pm Australia

Participants will need: Paper and pen or computer for writing

Register for this webinar here

We’ve all been there, that awkward social event, surrounded by unfamiliar people, fishing around for conversation topics and you’re doing ok. Until someone asks that dreaded question “Do you have kids?” The adrenaline rises, emotions overwhelm you, what to say next?

Sound familiar?

It sucks, but what can you do or say that is empowering, effective and honouring of you and your childlessness? Come to our session and we’ll explore some options together.

This will be an informative and interactive workshop where Sarah and Karin will

  • Share some personal stories and experiences

  • Present a simple framework to unpack the situation

  • Learn some ways to ground yourself

  • Diversify your response options, and

  • Practice fitting your response to the situation.

We hope to have some fun along the way. There’s no perfect answer, but we can support each other to navigate our social worlds a bit more easily.

In order to help us prepare and focus the workshop on your needs and experiences, please complete this brief questionnaire. All feedback is confidential and examples will be collated and used anonymously.

Register for this webinar here


Sarah Roberts is a grief teacher, counsellor, life lover and founder of The Empty Cradle. With over 30 years experience in counselling, teaching and community work, Sarah brought together a unique combination of professional skills and lived experience of involuntary childlessness to found The Empty Cradle.

Sarah is a creator, teacher and healer. She is currently undertaking a Masters of Social Work focusing on involuntary childlessness and motherhood loss. Sarah is passionate about the complexity of the human experience and what it means to live a good life.


Karin Enfield De Vries is the operations director of Gateway Women, facilitates the Reignite Weekend Workshop, hosts the Online Bee Mentorship program, heads up the Benelux Branche for Gateway Women and is a World Childless Week Champion. With nearly 20 year of experience in change management, systemic work with a strong focus on the human side of change in various organisations as well as her own personal experience of dealing with life changing events which left her to fight for her life and build up a complete new

future. She is now combining all this is in her work to support women who are childless not by choice.

A lover of life, with a passion for human interaction, she is currently doing a post-bachelor degree in the psychology of grief. She is a strong advocate on the topic of childlessness and does not shy away from speaking up about this in public. Karin is in her early 40’s, originally from the Netherlands, married to an Englishman and lives in Belgium.

PLEASE NOTE: This workshop may touch on some sore spots and bring up emotions so you might prefer to be in a quiet, private place. Consider what support you might need before, during and after the workshop. Is there someone you could touch base with after the session? Perhaps you could arrange this beforehand or you could do the workshop with some CNBC friends.

Register for this webinar here

world childless week comments that hurt 180920.png
Earlier Event: September 16
WEBINAR: Inspiring Childless Elders
Later Event: September 19
Opening Our Hearts To Receive