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Finding courage & compassion – because we are worthy!

Speaking up and living our childless lives, in the face of pronatalist assumptions and cultural stereotypes, can be empowering and strengthen our sense of self. Yet, it can take courage to speak up, or live full, when judgment and hurt may make us want to withdraw. How do we find courage when we may also feel vulnerable? How can we find self-compassion if we recognise we’re not ready or it’s not safe enough to speak up? Join Judy Graham, Naomi Geidel, Sarah Bradley and Melanie Mackie for this heartfelt discussion as they share stories of finding courage and compassion in our childless lives.

In this webinar, we invite you to share your insights and stories of courage and compassion in the chat thread. Cheering our wins, and validating each other, can strengthen our sense of worthiness, and inspire each other too.

DATE: Saturday 16th September

TIME: 9am BST - Find your timezone HERE

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Participants may like to bring along a warm cuppa, and create a comfy space so they can listen in and participate in the online chat thread if they wish. Bring a note book or somewhere to jot down notes, thoughts and gems that resonate.


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay on the website.


Judy Graham - Australia

Judy Graham is an Australian therapist, educator and advocate for the recognition and support of childless women. She is a World Childless Week Ambassador, a Gateway Women Reignite Facilitator and is the Founder of WomenHood Counselling where she provides specialist support for women who are childless not by choice.

Navigating her own path of unexpected childlessness has deepened her

appreciation and curiosity about how we can tend to grief, loss, transition, and the many and varied ways we live our lives. Judy’s experience gives her the courage to challenge stereotypes and fuels the compassion she brings to other women on their journeys to healing their childless hearts and living a life of purpose, meaning and connection.

Among other things, Judy fills her own cup by roaming in nature, breathing in the sea air, engaging in juicy conversations, chasing tennis balls, or pursuing her love of art house cinema.

I live a contented, fulfilling life with my cats in beautiful rural Gloucestershire, England. My journey through childlessness has been the toughest challenge I have faced and coming to terms with it has been life changing. We can never predict how life will turn out, but we can give ourselves opportunities to find happiness and joy.

These days, having qualified as a life coach, I support childless women, men and couples to find a way through the

loneliness and isolation of childlessness, to create a happy life without children. I also work with women who are single and childless in our SIN+CH coaching groups, where we challenge stereotypes, build self-confidence and encourage brave decision making.

World Childless Week gave me the courage to talk about childlessness when I thought I couldn’t. Now I’m proud to be a WCW contributor, helping others to see that there is life beyond childlessness!

Naomi Geidel - South Korea

Naomi Geidel is a multifaceted international educator, life purpose coach, and creative, whose inspiring journey has shaped her into a passionate advocate for embracing life's unexpected turns.

She openly shares her story to break societal stigmas and to inspire others who may be experiencing similar circumstances. Through her creative endeavors, she encourages others to find solace in self-expression, regardless of the path life has taken them on.

In her free time, Naomi can be found exploring new cities, immersing herself in different cultures and seeking out adventures.

Melanie Mackie is an author, writer, explorer, nature lover, spiritual hippie, creative and an avid gardener.

In 2015 Melanie lost her baby Grace Rose during her pregnancy, this heart-breaking loss was a catalyst to changing her entire life. Eventually she chose the light and committed to living her best life, for her and especially for Grace; her book Living With Amazing Grace – a journey through grief, healing and transformation was published in 2019.

Melanie is based near London, lives with her beloved husband and treasured cat Lola and she also runs her own award-winning mentoring business and is an Intuitive Holistic Mentor.

Her work and talks are focused on empowering women and raise awareness of the impact of miscarriage, grief, healing and the power of divine feminine wisdom. All subjects that have been hidden, buried, and silenced for far too long.