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Empower Yourself and Find A New Freedom

Ever wondered why those older CNBC women seem to be enjoying their life, even though they didn’t get to be parents? Ever thought that they mustn’t have wanted a child as much as you, because having a child was the only way that life was going to be worth living, and nothing else mattered? I used to think that, but now am one of those who are not a mother/grandmother, and have found another role, free of sadness and regret, where I can do the things that fill me with contentment and happiness and make me feel worthy.

You can feel empowered about not having your parenthood dreams come true. You can find freedom from being stuck in that place between letting go of the idea of children, and acceptance. If you would like to learn about tapping to help free the stuckness of grief and non-parenthood, please join me, to empower yourself and find a new freedom.

DATE: Saturday 21st September

TIME: 1pm BST - Find your timezone HERE

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please bring a large glass of water, your journal (if you have one) or a lovely notebook that you would enjoy writing in, and a pen that feels good to touch, and tissues.


Please note: Whilst the panellists will be recorded, your camera and audio will be turned off. If you are unable to attend the webinar live, you DO NOT need to register to watch the replay. Just subscribe to the World Childless Week YouTube channel and you’ll be notified when new recordings are added.


Lana Walker - UK

Lana Walker is a tapping practitioner, advanced massage therapist, Emmett muscle release therapist, NLP practitioner and Reiki master. Her journey ‘yes, the j word, because it definitely is’ into complementary therapy started as a client at 19, and it transformed into becoming a therapist as an unexpected part of her Plan B at the age of 51 – it’s never too late to try/learn/do something new!

Being able to help others, and nurture her clients who want to let go of what’s weighing them down, is real privilege.