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Oops!! I Completely Forgot About the Adoption Option, Thanks for reminding Me

We’ve all been in the situation of facing comments that are intrusive and insensitive. The way we respond depends on how we are feeling in that moment and can be swayed by: the person asking the question, any surrounding audience, the location, how we feel at that moment in time and if we want to answer truthfully. Sometimes our outward expression hides the gritted teeth, rolling eyes and steam shooting out of our ears that we visualise in our mind.

In this webinar Stephanie Joy Phillips is joined by Berenice Smith, Katy Seppi and Robyn Jamieson-Voss to discuss their personal thoughts on adoption, the decisions they made and how they respond to the question ”have you considered adoption?”

Date: Friday 17th September 2021

Time: 11am Pacific Time US, 1pm Central Time US, 2pm Eastern Time US, 7pm London UK

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Stephanie Joy Phillips

World Childless Week Founder

A large part of my twenties was spent in an abusive relationship and I took the contraceptive pill to ensure children would not be born into that situation. In my early thirties I met my husband to be but we didn’t try to conceive until I was nearing forty. At the age of 39 we were told “if he manages to get you pregnant it is highly unlikely you’ll carry full term”. I knew in that moment, I would never be a mum.

In 2017 I founded World Childless Week and shouted out “We Are Worthy” but the words still stuck in my throat. Now at 54 I’m hitting the grandparent announcement triggers but I’m OK and working through them. I’m moving forwards with you x

I admin several Facebook groups including Childless Path To Acceptance for those past the point of trying to conceive, Childless Chit Chat and Childless Perks!! whose emphasis is on breaking away from the support, building friendships and finding laughter in a safe child-free zone.  

I live in Worcestershire with my husband and two rescue cats, Storm and Tea-Cup.

Katy Seppi

World Childless Week Champion

I’m Katy and I’m designing an unexpectedly childfree life after infertility.

I enjoy starting things much more than finishing them and I love researching new topics. This combination makes me a bit eccentric. I started my career in hair and makeup, and am now a social worker advocating for kids. My favorite hobby is dabbling so I am mediocre at a lot of things: archery, knitting, cross-stitching, painting, writing songs, playing the uke, reading tarot cards, gardening, home remodeling. I have a huge pile of half-read books but when I find a topic I’m really interested in, I will finish everything I can get my hands on. I love being in nature, traveling, video games, and getting absorbed into great music, TV, and films. I am addicted to creation and possibilities.

I blog at Chasing Creation and I am the founder of the Childless Collective Summit which began in 2021.

Berenice Smith

World Childless Week Ambassador

After failed IVF cycles and miscarriages over ten years I now identify as being childness not by choice and coming to terms with a life I wasn't expecting after a period of poor mental health.

In 2016 I founded storytelling and creative website called Walk In Our Shoes for my Masters degree which was also the first time I spoke about childlessness outside my relationship. I am one-third of the Full Stop podcast for the childless not by choice community.
I am an award-winning graphic designer and run Hello Lovely, my plan B! I am the designer of the World Childless Week branding and website.

I am passionate about sharing stories to create allies in other demographics. I have spoken at Fertility Fest, PechkaKucha events and business networks including the gender and equality network at Cambridge University.

I live in Cambridge with my husband and our rescue dog, Molly. We can often be found on the Norfolk beaches.

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Robyn Jamieson-Voss

Robyn Jamieson-Voss became a member of the Childless Not By Choice community five years ago just before the inaugural World Childless Week. She has unexplained infertility and was never able to achieve pregnancy. In choosing not to pursue medical intervention, nor adoption, she has come to accept her childless life. She now uses her voice to share her story to connect with others who are childless not by choice, and to eliminate the stigma around childlessness.

Robyn works for the City of Calgary in Canada as a city planner, and is a member in a gender-focused leadership development group called Women in Planning & Development, and represents the voices of childless women. She is married to her American husband, Thomas, and has four furbabies - her angel pup, Hynek, her two cats, Scamper and Jack, and her young and rambunctious pup, Ozzy.

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Jess Tennant

I am a 45-year-old blogger and special education teacher. It took an autoimmune disorder and repeated trips to the Emergency Room for me to realize that my parenting journey needed to end. I desperately didn’t want to let go of the dream, but after nearly 8 years of unsuccessful IVF and adoption, my body made the choice for me. In 2017 my husband and I left adoption, packed up and donated our nursery, and set out to craft a beautiful, meaningful new life.

I’ve been blogging about my infertility and adoption experiences since 2010, first under My Path to Mommyhood, and then transitioning to my CNBC experience at Finding A Different Path. I love spreading the message that my losses are real but my life is not sad, and you can survive and thrive when things don’t work out as planned. I am thrilled to be a part of World Childless Week this year and look forward to all the community and advocacy that is to come!

Tansy Boggon

Tansy is a university qualified nutritionist, food writer and author, who has embraced a career in writing and publishing since she and her husband quit (with heavy hearts) their eight-year journey of trying to have children; five of those years trying to adopt in South Australia. She knows too well how hurtful the comment ‘have you thought of adopting’ can be for those that don’t wish to take this path to parenthood or for those, like herself, that tried but were unsuccessful in adopting. She is passionate about sharing her journey and has channelled her emotions in a heartfelt novel she has just submitted for publication, which shares a fictional woman’s struggles with weight stigma, infertility and failed adoption. You can find out more about Tansy and her books, including children’s books, at

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