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Our Healing Voice

A Chanting Circle for Women, childless not by choice

Every Sunday: 7 - 8pm UK on zoom

with Helen Louise Jones of Childless Voices

As we face the next few weeks of Lockdown, all over the World people are digging deep and surviving. Survival is the middle name of the childless woman. The more we experience, the more we lean and surrender within that state, to allow ourselves to flourish and create lives of truth, honesty, integrity and knowledge. To let our hearts find a way to sing to be joyous and free, yet at a deep peace with our loss.

Our anxiety becomes a beacon to self nurture and strength.

All hail the power of the healing vibrations of our own voices through our whole beings. We reset , we rebalance , we return to ourselves. We claim, we sing, we solidify the importance of our experiences for all childless women in this World. We, the women here now, the women of the future and with great respect, the women of the past who had very little voice and who lived precariously on the edges in such judgmental times.

We are, we say.

We say, our way

To Join
The Circle is a safe space, most of us are interlinked via word of mouth, Gateway Women, World Childless Week, Instagram or one of the other brilliant CNBC support organisations

We want to keep it secure and safe. There is no open click and collect system.

Once you have paid you will receive confirmation and a copy of the chants. 

Please print them off or write them out. You may like to make a Chanting file.

There are two payment options:

£10 per Chanting Circle

£20 per month - all Sunday Chanting Circles, every week 7pm UK time

Please try to pay by the day before or a few hours before the chant, to make sure your payment reaches in time. Initial payments can take about 2 working days.

If you set up a monthly payment with your bank please set the repeat payment from the date of the 1st chant you attend. 

Please email me (see below) when you've set up your payment so I can add you to the Entry List for the Chant that week.

If this is your 1st experience at the chant, please book ahead. I will need to send the chants to you.

If this is your 1st experience in the CNBC community, please let me know that too. You are with other women who understand your feelings. 

Payment details:

Bank: Santander

Sort code: 09-01-34 

Account: 75034481

Please use reference: OHV & your Name



Please choose personal payment option not services 

Please use reference: OHV and your name

Zoom Entry  -  Sundays 7pm to 8pm UK time.

* Emails with a zoom link go out by 6.45pm. Doors open at 6.55pm and close at 7.05pm.

* You will see - Everyone who is on camera. You can choose to turn your camera off

* You will hear  - Me, also any music played, you will be muted. We sometimes unmute to say Hello. 

* Most people now understand there is currently no platform for real time singing together. Online Choirs on TV ads are edited footage of people singing separately.

* Please dim your lighting, be comfortable and supported. Loose clothing and a glass of water. It is actually not necessary to be on camera while we chant.  

You can still see me, although it's nice to close your eyes and feel the depth of your breath and sound in action.

* Please feel free to email me with any questions .

Helen Louise Jones




Earlier Event: January 21
Worthy and Content Valentine EFT Offer
Later Event: March 14
FREE singing session