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Our Healing Voice Chanting Circle

After our 1st Chanting Circle last Sunday and the amazing response from those who came , I've decided to hold the Chant for us every Sunday through this coming UK November Lockdown and is open to all our community the World over.

Love to us all, in this extra difficult time .....Helen... x

NB. No-one in the group will hear your voice, so you can chant as loud as you like

This will be a FREE Event through Lockdown and everyone is welcome.

Every Sunday in November via Zoom

1pm Central Time, 7pm UK, 8pm Germany, 8am New Zealand (Monday)

Email Helen to register your interest at:

Helen will send you all the info and words by Saturday evening and a Zoom link 30 to 15 mins before the session begins on Sunday.

Email Helen to register your interest at: