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Live & Free Online Mini-Course for Childless Not By Choice Women

February 20th - 24th at 10 am PST / 1 pm EST / 6 pm BST

Find your time zone HERE

I know being childless, not by choice, is NOT a lonely, empty, unfulfilled existence.

I want to help you step out of that dark place of disconnection and lack of self-confidence and into the light of coming home to yourself and your body. I want to help you trust yourself so you can step out into the world feeling like you have choices, that you matter, and that you deserve happiness. 

During five days together, you'll learn the hows, and why's of self-compassion as a path back to yourself. 


… feels confident to make new friends.

is proud to talk with old friends about your exciting life without feeling that your life is a consolation prize.

… feels inspired to go to Antarctica, take up the Tango, or rescue a third dog. 

… is curious to uncover the inner fire that has been buried, bring it out into the world and wave it around like a sparkler.

IN JUST 5 DAYS, you will:

 - Build a fierce, compassionate foundation that inspires curiosity, lightness and exploration.  

 - Learn how to listen to your body and increase your self-confidence.

 - Amplify trust in yourself and see that ripple into your life.

So, how exactly will I help you go from being frozen in self-doubt to tapping into the courage, confidence and creativity that I know is inside?

Here's what's waiting for you in the RECLAIM Mini-Course:

  • Live Training: 5 value-packed 45 min sessions with me where you'll learn the theory and strategies behind Self-Compassion as a path to confidence, authenticity and inspiration.

  • Private Pop-Up Community: Connect with your peers.

  • Homework: Simple daily practices and strategies to help you build the foundation of self-compassion

  • Access to all session recordings for an entire week after the mini-course ends so you can continue implementing what you've learned.

Can't wait to see you thrive.

For more information about me, FAQ's and registration details visit the Reclaim Mini-Course

Earlier Event: February 19
ONLINE Remembrance Service