Today we've shared the words from those who contacted the website each day and wanted to use our platform to write their words.
Throughout the weeks to come and starting from today, we've compiled the links to sites who are also sharing content that the team and Champions think you'll love to read because the creator writes to our daily theme and has back linked to our website.
If you pop over, do let them know that you read about them on World Childless Week!
You can listen to Bibi Lynch, our new Champion talking World Childless Week with Jo Good who is childfree on BBC Radio London here. We thought this was very moving. Bibi is on from 1:00 and you need to register with the BBC. Read Bibi’s article in the Telegraph here (you will need to register to see premium articles).
Berenice Smith is a World Childless Week Champion and has a Masters in graphic design and typography which she says helped her mental health. Find out about Walk In Our Shoes, her unique social design site and share your story with her here.
Stella Duffy OBE and World Childless Week Champion writes her daily post here.
Suzanne Mills runs the Australian network of Cinderella Wears Pants. You can find out more about this project which by clicking here
Read more about Decoding Static from Andy, one of our contributors on his website here.
If you have been writing about Childlessness and the Arts and you’ve published a website link to us, let us know!