I’m childless by circumstances. Many factors led to my childlessness - precious years living and growing as a young woman, not finding a suitable partner at the right time, tending to relationship losses, endometriosis, infertility, and the finality of health saving surgery at 42. The family ‘I was meant to have’, the life ‘I was meant to live’ had not worked out.
Facing those layers of grief and making sense of things was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, AND it was also when seedlings of newness and possibility began to emerge. Post graduate study, soul work, and finding this incredible childless community, all helped nurture those seedlings into something richer and more meaningful than I could have imagined. Rather than be diminished by childlessness, my life has expanded and deepened, and I’ve found other ways that enrich my life with meaning, connection, nurture, and joy.
In 2020 I began WomenHood, a Counselling practice specifically for Australian women who are childless, not by choice. I’ve met hundreds of women navigating childlessness, and the inspired, soulful ways they find to heal their hearts and nourish their lives never ceases to amaze me.
I’m grateful to be in a position where I can support other women who are childless not by choice, and to give back to our childless community by speaking publicly, and providing professional education and advocacy awareness around childlessness. World Childless Week is such a rich resource for our community, and I’m deeply honoured to be an Ambassador.