4. Childless confident & Worthy.jpg

To anyone who has participated over the last seven days I sincerely thank you. There are three categories of people that I want to recognise.

Firstly to everyone who is childless not by choice who has contributed to any article that has been posted on the World Childless Week page. Without you this week could not have happened. I am grateful to everyone who has given me a word of encouragement to stick with it and to not worry about how big or small a success the week would be. I could list numerous people within this category but there is one lady who has supported me from the minute I mentioned World Childless Week to her. Her enthusiasm and encouragement have always been to hand so I would like to say a special thank you to Nicci Fletcher.   

Secondly I want to thank the people who have followed World Childless Week. Those who have read an article, liked a post, left a comment or shared something forward to a group or their own timeline. I hope that within this group there are a mixture of people, those who are childless not by choice, the childfree, parents and parents to be. We can only make positive changes and break down the barriers and misunderstanding of those who are childless by working together.

Thirdly and most importantly I have to thank all of the childless ladies and gentlemen who helped me through my darkest days. Without them I would not be strong enough to be where I am now. They gave me the courage to voice my emotions. They validated every moment that hurt and they helped me to see the sunshine through the clouds. They allowed me to be who I was, and who I am.

I have seen some childless friends come and go but I am grateful to still have a circle of wonderful friends from my darkest days. There are three ladies who I need to send a heartfelt thank you to. I have never been privileged to meet these ladies and hopefully one day I will be able to rectify that. I hope that I will be able to give them a real hug, instead of a virtual one.

Jan, Lisa and Erika all three of you have helped me more than I can express. No matter how near or far you are, no matter if our friendships drift apart, you will stay in my heart. You are the three ladies who helped me find my childless voice. I love you now and always will.  

Stephanie Phillips

Founder of World Childless Week