
Steph decided that we should reclaim the 16th September for the childless not by choice community. Read her full explanation here

Our community wrote a lot on this theme. Ivy Blonwyn writes about baby jealously here. Not So Mummy writes about the challenges of baby showers here. Walk In Our Shoes encourages you to say no to invites. Married and Childless writes about breaking down social barriers here and The Imagined Mother talks about disenfranchised grief

Why the 16th September is significant

Read about why Steph chose the 16th September to reclaim the day.

Why a forget-me-not

Steph's post on why she decided on a forget-me-not for the World Childless Week logo

To My Yummy Mummy Friends

I love to be included in all your happy days. I will cheer when you graduate, throw confetti at your wedding. I will celebrate your birthdays with a smile on my face. I will be at your house warming, toast every promotion you have. I shall applaud your every success and cheerlead when you impress. When times are hard I will offer you my shoulder, wipe your tears, listen without judgement, try to dissolve your fears. When you need me dear friend, I am there to provide comfort and support. All I ask is that you understand one thing of me…

Click here to read more

Amygdala and childlessness

What is the Amygdala and what does it have to do with World Childless Week? Nicci from The Voice of Infertility finds out more.


We received this heartfelt poem to mums around the world.