NEWS: World Childless Week Resources
I want to start by saying thank you for supporting me and World Childless Week. The last five years (since the first week in 2017) have gone by in a flash, and whilst there have been moments of tears there has also been laughter and friendship.
At times I can be incredibly indecisive and I have been mulling over the future direction of World Childless Week (for not just months) but years. The last two and a half years dealing with cancer has been monumental in how I see the future. I asked myself if I should focus on the positives and if World Childless Week was counter-productive for my emotional well being. I questioned if spending a large proportion of my time organising one week of the year left too little time for other parts of my life. I asked myself if I was worth more.
In response I realised that focusing on World Childless Week last year gave me meaning. It gave a structure to my life and lifted my spirit. I may be dealing with submissions that are sometimes full of grief but knowing I was giving our community the space to be heard fills me with positivity.
Thinking all of this through has helped me focus on what is important:
I want to ensure access to the World Childless Week submissions remains free.
I need to be more proactive in obtaining the finances required to maintain the event.
With this in mind I have decided to introduce advertising packages for the Resource pages:
There are three package options available and in the spirit of supporting each other the I Am Me package is, at present, free of charge.
ALREADY LISTED: If you are already listed in the resources and do not wish to upgrade to either the I Am Worthy or Forget Me Not package, I would appreciate it if you still take a few minutes to check your listing details are correct. You can view the packages and send any amendments via the Advertising Request form here
WOULD LIKE TO BE LISTED: If you are not yet listed but would like to be included please take a look at the packages and get in touch via the Advertising Request form here
PLEASE NOTE: If you have more than one listing you can take a different package for each one.
I hope you’ll support me with these changes as I feel they are a positive move towards the continued future and expansion of World Childless Week. I have already been updating and extending the range of information provided and intend to continue building the resources in the hope World Childless Week becomes the central point of reference for the childless community network.
Love and laughter
World Childless Week, founder