World Childless Week

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#Flip The Script - New Horizons

On Wednesday during World Childless Week 2017 I asked people to share letters addressed to the reason they were childless. All but one of the letters I received were full of pain, sadness and anger. That one letter surprised me because it thanked infertility. So today I am also going to #FlipTheScript and share my gratitude for my childlessness.


Dear chaos of reasons

Thank you for giving me the sense to not try for a family with the abusive man I lived with for several years in my twenties. Thank you for ensuring I had no blood ties to this man who had no respect or care for the children he already had from previous relationships.

Thank you for making me wait to find a husband whose love for me was stronger than the pain of infertility. The battles we have fought through childlessness have helped us unite and strengthen our relationship. I am grateful he loves animals. Together we have adopted some amazing fur-kids that may not have been part of my life if we had become parents.

Thank you for connecting me with others who are childless not by choice. Strangers, who have validated my thoughts, supported my emotions and become friends.  Thank you for the times I have shared with them as we have cried and laughed together.

Thank you for helping me find an inner strength that I never knew existed. You have given me the courage to use my childless voice to speak openly and share my childless story. I am not afraid to stand up and say who I am to anyone. Thank you for nudging me towards the idea that I am worthy.

Thank you for helping me to discover and appreciate the childless perks that do exist. To recognise that there are new dreams, new adventures and new opportunities waiting for me. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to start World Childless Week and be part of something that unites the childless community.

Thank you for #NewHorizons and what is yet to come.

Stephanie Phillips

Founder of World Childless Week