World Childless Week

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When we first lost you


When we first lost you

Your mum couldn’t cope she hid herself away in a dark place

She was broken

She didn’t want to live

She didn’t want to talk

She wanted to be alone


I know how she feels I’ve been there too

I kept my eye on her while I had to carry on,

I sent her love everyday while I had to be strong

I said you take your time while I took my time

Close your eyes & be at peace


I’ve held her hand

I’ve given her a hug

I’ve told her it’s ok I’m with you

I understand her and I listen to each word

I cover her ears when someone says something ridiculous

I’ll always protect her,

I’ll always have her back.


Eventually she took my hand

She climbed her way out into the sunshine

Gradually she can smile again

At last she can see happiness

We discussed our situations and they’re about the same baby

They are about you

I am one person again, it’s a good day

Our experience is bittersweet

Separately we feel proud to have you as a son and also desperately heartbroken to have lost you

Together we are your proud mums,

Together we are one heartbroken mum

Together we are yours

Together we cope in our unique way